Position announcement: LCMS Director of Worship & International Center Chaplain

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) announces an opening for the position of director of worship & International Center chaplain, housed at the LCMS International Center (IC) in St. Louis.

Organizational profile

The LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) coordinates and supports domestic ministries that serve congregations and schools through the districts of the Synod (Bylaw

The Synod president serves as the spiritual leader and chief executive officer of the LCMS. He is responsible for supervising the doctrine and administration of Synod officers, of all employed by the Synod, of individual districts and of all district presidents. He provides direction for the coordination and smooth operation and expansion of the Synod in accordance with the Synod’s constitution and bylaws. The first vice-president carries out responsibilities of the president’s office as delegated, assigned or deputized by the president. The president may also delegate certain responsibilities to other officials.


Specific worship functions include:

  • Propose and create programs that will carry out the purposes and aims of the Synod in matters of worship.
  • Develop long- and short-range plans for the conduct, evaluation and improvement of worship programs throughout the Synod, offering recommendations to the ONM executive director for the establishment of priorities, strategy, funding and execution of the same.
  • Working with the executive director and other ONM directors, plan and implement strategies for educating and aiding districts and LCMS congregations concerning matters of public and private worship.
  • Periodically review the performance and effectiveness of worship programs and report results to the executive director and the LCMS Board for National Mission.
  • Prepare an operating budget for the worship area, keyed to annual and long-range programs.
  • Advise the executive director on selection of qualified people to serve on adjunct working committees.
  • Be accountable for the technical and professional work of various adjunct committees as they produce worship materials.
  • Shape and edit manuscripts for publication, including “Let Us Pray,” lectionary summaries, etc.
  • Provide supervision, expertise and support to ongoing Lutheran Service Book projects.
  • Provide supervision, expertise and support to ethnic hymnals, agendas and other worship resource projects.
  • Serve as a liaison between the ONM and its constituencies, interpreting the programs and services through public presentations at various Synod venues as well as through other media.
  • Provide expertise and support, as requested, to the Koinonia Project.
  • Provide worship expertise and planning for Synod events, including the Synod convention, theological conferences, meetings, etc. Advise respective groups/committees responsible for corporate worship at Synod and district conventions.
  • Develop and maintain a roster of resource people, geographically representative of the Synod, who are competent to enlighten, inspire and instruct regarding theologically sound and artistically good worship materials; coordinate the utilization of such a roster.
  • Keep abreast professionally in worship, hymnology and church music through attendance at conferences, workshops and seminars as well as through private study, research and the reading of current literature.
  • Lend advice to individual pastors, musicians and laity.
  • Consult with the worship and music departments of Synod schools to establish principles and practices that best reflect the biblical and confessional spirit of Lutheran worship.
  • Represent the Synod in the preparation of worship and music materials that may be engaged in cooperation with other Lutheran synods.

Specific chaplain functions

  • Plan and supervise the daily IC chapel services, including the preaching schedule, organist/musician schedule, acolyte schedule, etc.
  • Render chaplaincy and counseling services to employees as requested without violating the individual’s relationship to his/her own pastor and keeping in mind the employer role through input/feedback, where necessary or requested, from the LCMS Department of Human Resources.
  • Provide pastoral leadership to develop a faithful Lutheran community at the IC, with the collaboration, as needed or requested, of the Department of Human Resources.
  • Approve requests for special use of the chapel.
  • Plan and oversee workshops/seminars at the IC on worship that will strengthen our Lutheran identity.
  • Observe employee morale and seek to improve relationships throughout the IC.
  • Assist the administration to recognize and care for employee needs at times of illness, death, birth, special anniversaries and the like.
  • In cooperation with the president, foster good working relationships with local Lutheran pastors.
  • Be available, at the president’s request, for pastoral consultation.
  • Carry out, by mutual consent, special assignments on behalf of the president.

Position requirements

  • Ordained clergyman of the LCMS.
  • Advanced degree(s) in church music and/or theology, preferably a master’s degree or a terminal degree.
  • Significant experience in church music and/or worship leadership, including at least five years in a parish. 
  • Clear commitment to the theology and confessional practice of the LCMS.
  • Significant knowledge and resourcefulness coupled with sound judgment in the fields of theology, liturgy, hymnody, church music and related arts.
  • Strong background in music is preferred.
  • Understanding of the needs, working conditions and opportunities of those serving at the IC.
  • Strong skills in pastoral care and the care of souls.
  • Superior preaching and teaching skills.

Qualified applicants are welcome to apply online via lcms.org/careers. Nominations are welcomed and may be submitted to Nathan Thomas at nathan.thomas@lcms.org. The deadline to apply or submit nominations is Sept. 15, 2019. For more information on the LCMS, please visit lcms.org.

Posted Aug. 2, 2019