Congregational Anniversaries (February 2019)

The Lutheran Witness welcomes notices 50 words or less from LCMS congre­gations about their upcoming “milestone” anniversaries. Send notices at least three months in advance to — Ed.


Trinity Lutheran Church, Billings, Mont., is celebrating its 100th anniversary March 16 and 17, with Emeritus Pastor Richard Thompson as guest preacher. A brunch and program will follow Sunday worship; Montana district president, Terry Forke, will lead the program. For information and meal reservations, phone the church office at 406-245-3984.


St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Edgar, Wis., is celebrating its 150th anniversary June 30. Sunday worship at 10:15 a.m. will be followed by lunch at noon. Reservations appreciated. The 2:00 p.m. celebration worship service will be followed by fellowship. Contact or 715-352-2888.