‘Defending Life’ conference set for Sept. 6–7 in California

Photo by Luma Pimentel on Unsplash

“Defending Life,” the first ever regional LCMS life conference in Southern California, is set for Sept. 6–7 at Pacific Lutheran Jr./Sr. High School in Gardena, Calif.

Funded in part by a $4,000 grant from the LCMS Office of National Mission, the conference is an extension of the Synod’s biennial life conference, held in conjunction with the annual March For Life in Washington, D.C. Other sponsors of “Defending Life” include Bethel Lutheran Church in Buena Park, Calif., and Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church in Irvine, Calif. Several individual donors have also provided support.

The Rev. Dr. Al Espinosa, senior pastor at Saint Paul’s, Irvine, and one of the conference organizers, said that one need only look at the secular news to see that the need exists “as much as ever” for events that uphold and promote the sanctity of life. He added that the conference includes sessions on both theological and practical matters, with either ordained or commissioned LCMS ministers leading the theological ones.

The event’s keynote speakers are:

  • Abby Johnson, author of Unplanned;
  • Rev. Michael Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life; and
  • Kathleen Eaton Bravo, CEO and founder of Obria Group, a national network of life-affirming medical clinics.

The Rev. Dr. Mike Gibson, president of the LCMS Pacific Southwest District, will bring greetings from the district.

A full list of conference presenters and topics, as well as a conference schedule and online registration, are available at defendinglifeconference.org. There is no cost to register.

Each day of the conference will begin and end with worship. Lunch is provided both days; attendees are responsible for their own travel and lodging as well as all other meals.

Espinosa, who was recently re-elected to the LCMS Board for National Mission, says he has been “privileged” in his five years serving on the board to advocate for issues of marriage, life and family. He was pleased that Res. 1-06A, which affirms and promotes a biblical understanding of those issues and calls for the development of resources to support biblical teaching, was approved at the 2019 Synod convention.

“We [in the LCMS] will now be investing more than ever in these crucial areas, which stream from the Word of Christ and His Holy Church,”  Espinosa said. 

Posted Aug. 9, 2019