From the mission field – Men’s Bible study in Taiwan

The Rev. Dr. Michael Paul, LCMS missionary to Taiwan, leads an English language and Bible study class for men. (Jen-Yi Paul)

The Rev. Dr. Michael Paul is a career missionary and theological educator for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Asia Region. In Taiwan, where he serves, it can be particularly difficult to bring the Gospel to men.

“My family has lived in our apartment complex for almost four years now,” Paul said. “During that time, we have met and shared the Gospel with many women and children, but very few men. Most churches in Taiwan consist of twice as many women as men. As a result, they struggle to find pastors and other male church leaders.”

Twenty years ago, when Paul was a missionary in Macau, China, he developed a series of topical studies designed to teach English. The second half of each lesson includes a Bible passage. Paul is now using those materials to lead a men’s English class with a Bible time at the end of each session.

Paul reports that seven men attended the first class. He and the men began by spending time getting to know each other. Then they had a discussion on friendship, including the Bible verse, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

After class, one of the students texted Paul about how meaningful the Bible verse was to him. “I hope next time Mike can share more English Bible verses with us,” the student wrote.

Paul says the class is “one small way” for the church to serve the people of Taiwan while working to bring the Good News of Christ to those who need to hear it. He adds, “Please pray that the Word of God that’s shared in these studies would work in the hearts of our male neighbors to grant them Christian faith.”

Posted Aug. 15, 2019