KFUO Radio: Christianity and the rise of science

During a Free to be Faithful® program on Aug. 21, 2019, Worldwide KFUO moderator Kip Allen and the Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz, executive director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, discuss the relationship between Christianity and the rise of science.

“If God is an orderly God, He creates an orderly world, and He creates a moral structure to the world, things that can be counted on … then there’s a way of dealing with these things where we can count on the reaction. That’s what starts to compel the scientific movement in the West,” says Seltz.

Allen and Seltz discuss how Christ’s incarnation shifted the way people saw the material world, paving the way for scientific inquiry.


About ‘Free to be Faithful’ on Worldwide KFUO

Free to be Faithful® is a religious liberty, awareness, and education program created by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in response to increasing governmental incursions into religious life.

Kip Allen leads Free to be Faithful discussions on KFUO.org on the third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Central time.

Audio interview courtesy of KFUO Radio

KFUO Radio, the listener-supported broadcast ministry of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, operates KFUO-AM 850 in St. Louis, Mo., and may be heard worldwide on KFUO.org.