Congregational Anniversaries (October 2020)



The Lutheran Witness welcomes notices 50 words or less from LCMS congre­gations about their upcoming “milestone” anniversaries. Send notices at least three months in advance to — Ed.


Grace Lutheran Church, Liberal, Kan., is celebrating its 75th anniversary November 8 with 10:30 a.m. worship service followed by a meal and celebration. Kansas District president Rev. Justin Panzer will be guest preacher. For more information, call 620-624-5900 or check


Trinity Lutheran Church, Mena, Ark., is celebrating its 120th anniversary with a 10:00 a.m. service October 11, with Pastor Timothy Henning preaching. In addition, Rev. Joel Shaltanis will be guest speaker at a service of praise and thanksgiving at 3:00 p.m. A catered fajita bar dinner will follow the service. Please RSVP by calling 479-394-1290 or email