‘In sickness and in health’: May ‘Lutheran Witness’

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“In sickness and in health … till death us do part.” Who makes a promise like that — before God, no less? For those who do, it is vital to keep their marriage focused on Christ and not on themselves. Human beings are incapable of keeping such a vow; but with God, all things are possible. 

The May issue of The Lutheran Witness explains how to keep Christ at the center of the wedding day by ensuring that the hymns, readings and vows point the couple — and everyone — to Christ and His work for the church. The issue also considers how the couple can witness to Christ’s work for the world even before their wedding day. 

Readers will also learn how Christ cares for His Bride, the church, amid a pandemic. Christ, who suffered and died to redeem His Bride, has not left her helpless. He continues to provide for her through the pastors who preach His Word to His people. 

There is something for everyone in this issue, for it is not ultimately about brides and grooms but about Christ and His work for His Bride, the church. Christ is the only sure foundation for any life — whether married or single. He has promised to provide for His people, regardless of their circumstances, in sickness and in health. 

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Posted May 12, 2020