May ‘Lutheran Witness’: Seek first the kingdom of God

“Seek first the kingdom of God,” Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount. He was teaching His followers not to fret about food and clothing. 

Most Americans today don’t have to worry about either, as we live in profound leisure and comfort. Instead, we have incredible amounts of free time that we fill with other kinds of worries. Just ask anyone with school-aged children about the panoply of activities and responsibilities that can consume hours and days.

Temptation comes when we seek after these worldly things ahead of the kingdom of God. Are we teaching our children that the hearing of God’s Word always comes first, or have we decided that sports can occasionally take priority over Sunday services? What about our phones and electronic devices? They increasingly encroach on all aspects of our lives, giving us divided minds and unease.   

We must not let these idols take over; they foster fear and worry, and they turn our eyes from Christ to the things of this world. The May issue of The Lutheran Witness addresses many of these concerns and helps you look at them from a biblical perspective. 

Pick up your copy today at or visit The Lutheran Witness website,, to learn more. 

Posted May 10, 2021