As fall rolls around once again, many students from the Synod’s seminaries and universities are heading out into the field for the first time. Third-year seminarians are starting vicarages, where they will gain valuable experience that will shape and guide their future service to the church. Meanwhile, in Latin America, three new pastors and 12 new deaconesses will serve in locations throughout the region after graduating in May from Concordia the Reformer Seminary and Mercy Center in the Dominican Republic.
The Fall 2022 issue of Lutherans Engage the World shares these stories and more. There also are articles on a pro-life ministry in Carol Stream, Ill.; a young man whose life has been changed thanks to a partnership between the LCMS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya; and two church bodies who are walking together in Christ to better proclaim the Gospel.
Watch for the magazine to arrive in your mailbox in late September, or read the issue online around the same time at engage.lcms.org. If you aren’t currently receiving the magazine but would like to, visit engage.lcms.org/subscribe to sign up for a free subscription. Both individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations) are available.
Posted Sept. 20, 2022