Lutheran Engage the World

Summer ‘Engage’: Mercy for neighbor

Among other stories, the issue introduces the “By the Mercies of God” accountability campaign.

‘By the Mercies of God’: Putting the church’s gifts to work

Stories of mercy provide a small glimpse of how the generosity of God’s people is making a difference around the world.

Following where God leads: Spring ‘Engage’

The Spring 2024 issue of Lutherans Engage the World shares stories about Lutherans who have had unusual and exciting opportunities to share the Gospel.

‘More than just the building’: Restoring a church in Panama

Due to a series of catastrophic events, the sanctuary of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, had become unusable.

Sunday morning in Shinyanga

Ebenezer Cathedral is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania—South East of Lake Victoria Diocese.

Fall ‘Engage’: Doing good to everyone

The Fall 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World shows how Lutherans are doing good — for residents of retirement communities, for children in Kenya, for homeowners in need of a little extra help, and in many other ways. 

‘Lutherans Engage’: Serving refugees in Germany

Lutherans around the world continue to find new and unexpected ways to serve their neighbor. 

Spring ‘Engage’: The Word at work

The Spring 2023 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ gives a glimpse of how the Word of God is at work in the United States and around the world.

Winter ‘Engage’: Lutherans on the move

The Winter 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World tells stories of Lutherans around the world who know that church is “the place … to be.”

Fall ‘Engage’: Sent out to serve

The Fall 2022 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ shares stories of those going into the world to proclaim God’s Word.

‘Lutherans Engage the World’ returns to print

After a yearlong printing hiatus, the magazine will arrive in mailboxes once again in November. 

LCMS mission boards hold first in-person meetings in more than a year

The Board for International Mission met May 27–28, and the Board for National Mission met June 10–11. 

Spring/Summer ‘Engage’: ‘Whenever and wherever’

The combined Spring/Summer 2021 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ shows Lutherans continuing to love and serve their neighbors in new and nimble ways.

Winter ‘Engage’: God’s people share Christ’s love

The stories in the Winter 2021 issue of Lutherans Engage the World come from across the globe, spanning cultures, ages and experiences.

‘Engage’ goes digital-only this fall

The Fall 2020 issue is now available.

Summer ‘Engage’: Serving in the time of COVID-19

Read updates about how LCMS missionaries, military chaplains, pastors and congregations are navigating quarantines and lockdowns.