An amazing thing is happening in Wittenberg, Germany. A building once intended as a place for people to learn about the Reformation has become a refuge for a group of Ukrainian refugees, who live in the building and receive Word and Sacrament ministry there.
“We were so happy to sing in our own language and to listen to the Word of God in our language,” said Ukrainian Lutheran Natalia Zubrytska, who spent time in Wittenberg. “And then some more Ukrainians were coming to us because they learned that we have the congregation here.”
This story from the Summer 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World may be of particular interest as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to make headlines, yet it’s not the only instance of Lutherans finding new and unexpected ways of serving their neighbor.
The issue also includes an article about how staff at Sioux Falls Lutheran School in Sioux Falls, S.D., walk alongside parents to encourage students to consider serving the church as a vocation, as well as a story about how Lutheran college students spent spring break receiving Lutheran Early Response Team training and serving those impacted by Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers, Fla.
In addition, read about a variety of free resources — from podcasts to Bible studies to books — that are available for use by congregations and individuals.
The Summer 2023 issue started arriving in mailboxes in mid-June. Read it online at engage.lcms.org. If you aren’t currently receiving the magazine but would like to, visit engage.lcms.org/subscribe to sign up for a free subscription. Both individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations) are available.
Posted July 14, 2023