
From the mission field: Church plant in Germany

Updates on LCMS mission work around the world.

Video series explains Christianity in multiple languages

The series is currently available in Farsi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish and English.

‘Lutherans Engage’: Serving refugees in Germany

Lutherans around the world continue to find new and unexpected ways to serve their neighbor. 

Amid war in Ukraine, the church’s mission remains

As the conflict in Ukraine enters its second month, the people of the LCMS continue to pray for those affected and seek opportunities to help.

Casiodoro de Reina, translator and publisher of first complete Spanish Bible

This article is the third in a series observing Hispanic Heritage Month.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Jobst Schöne, bishop emeritus of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany

Schöne, who served as bishop from 1985 to 1996, died on Sept. 22 at the age of 89.

From the mission field — Everyday miracles

The Rev. Dr. Christian Tiews, LCMS missionary to Germany, shares a story about how God is using Word and Sacrament to build up His church.

In difficult times, international missionaries still being trained, sent

The new missionaries were sent during a service at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis on Aug. 7.

‘Reporter’ Supplement: Global Seminary Initiative – We’re all in this together

In a supplement to the February 2020 “Reporter,” learn how The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Global Seminary Initiative transforms the lives and futures of LCMS partner churches and the pastors who serve them.

From the mission field – A library and a church

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Weber installed as managing director of International Lutheran Center in Wittenberg

The International Lutheran Center is a joint project of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany and Concordia Publishing House.

International Lutheran Center in Wittenberg continues mission of sharing the Gospel

Almost four years after its dedication in 2015, the center continues to host visitors, worshipers, students and neighbors who stop by to talk, learn and reflect.

From the Mission Field – April 2018

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

The Luther Mile

Join the Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, LCMS president, as he explores some of the most renowned sites in what many call Luther City.

Missouri Synod missionaries from across U.S. accept calls to serve abroad

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has announced 10 missionaries accepting calls to serve in seven countries around the globe. The Synod’s newest missionaries serve in Germany, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Peru, Spain and Uganda.

Follow in Luther’s footsteps with new Reformation resources

Three new resources complement those that are already available to help congregations, groups and individuals celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this fall.