Two pastors forge a bond as they encourage and sharpen one another’s skills. An immigrant vicar is embraced by a Midwestern parish. Volunteers serve those devastated by disaster. Missionaries are cared for by those they serve.
The stories in the Winter 2021 issue of Lutherans Engage the World come from across the globe, spanning cultures, ages and experiences. What they all have in common is the people of God gathered together around Word and Sacrament, mercifully caring for each other. The light of Christ and the warmth of His love, shone and shared by the communion of saints in all these places, burns brightly in this dark world. Enjoy these stories of your church bearing witness to Christ!
Read the Winter 2021 issue online at engage.lcms.org. To be notified by email when new issues are available, sign up at engage.lcms.org/subscribe.
Posted March 2, 2021