“It’s a thrilling ride when you try to go where God is leading,” says Principal John Jacob of Bethel Lutheran School in Morton, Ill. Bethel stepped out in faith to start a new Lutheran high school with only eight families and two teachers. Just three years later, the program has expanded and added new students, teachers and extracurricular activities.
In the Spring 2024 issue of Lutherans Engage the World, you’ll find several such stories about Lutherans who have been presented with unusual and exciting opportunities to share the Gospel. There are articles about a new Lutheran church plant in the heart of Rome; how Lutherans in Tanzania are caring for children with albinism; and the restoration of a church in Balboa, Panama, that was once devastated by a series of catastrophic events.
“With the restoration work completed, we have the opportunity to revitalize the congregation, renew our presence in the Balboa area and serve as an example of God’s faithfulness to all our congregations in Panama,” the Rev. Dr. Arthur Rickman, an LCMS missionary to Panama, says in the article.
The Spring 2024 issue started arriving in mailboxes in late March. Read it online at engage.lcms.org. If you aren’t currently receiving the magazine but would like to, visit engage.lcms.org/subscribe to sign up for a free subscription. Both individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations) are available.
Posted April 4, 2024