Funds for Ukraine serve varied needs

Makeshift tents are cropping up throughout Ukraine to feed and supply those in need.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Office of International Mission (OIM) continues to work with the Rev. Serge Maschewski, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine (ELCU), to offer assistance in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Currently, pastors of the ELCU are visiting their members and trying to aid anyone in trouble. Financial assistance from the LCMS has been used to buy helmets and body armor for pastors as they continue to minister to their people.

In addition to helping provide protection for those delivering the life-giving Word and Sacraments, assistance has been distributed to ELCU congregation members and other refugees fleeing to the West. Additional aid has assisted those remaining in Ukraine, including providing funds for:

  • Food, accommodations, documents and clothes for Eastern Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in Lviv and Vinnytsia;
  • A hospital in Lutskfor that cares for refugees and military personnel;
  • Congregations of the ELCU, including their members; and
  • Food banks and medicine for the community.

In a recent email update, the Rev. James A. Krikava, associate executive director of Eurasia and Asia Operations for the OIM, reported that the Lutheran congregation in Dnipro is still functioning. In fact, the members are working to distribute food and clothing. They are also providing housing to incoming refugees.

“It is really amazing to see the hearts of many moved to help in such abundance,” said Krikava.

As you continue to pray for Ukraine, please also pray for those who are receiving refugees, especially the Synod’s church partners and missionaries. We join together with the whole church in praying for peace, for protection, and that all might be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth in Jesus Christ.

To learn more, support the work in Ukraine and help those affected by this war, visit

Posted March 8, 2022