Gibson re-elected in Pacific Southwest District


The Rev. Dr. Mike Gibson of Irvine, Calif., was elected to his second term as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Pacific Southwest District (PSD) at the district’s 46th convention, held June 22–24 in Las Vegas. He ran unopposed and was elected by a vote of acclamation.

Also elected were:

  • Vince Harman of Yuma, Ariz., as first vice-president;
  • Tim Eaton of Anaheim, Calif., as second vice-president;
  • Dr. S.T. Williams Jr. of Los Angeles as third vice-president; and
  • Dustin Parker of Cerritos, Calif., as fourth vice-president.

The officers were installed during the convention.

The convention adopted 14 resolutions, including:

  • Giving thanks to God for the work of the district’s congregations and schools during the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Bringing the district’s bylaws up-to-date;
  • Rejecting racism, rectifying past wrongs of commission and omission, and recognizing the district’s successes, failures and opportunities in ministry within communities;
  • Increasing the number of people preparing for church work in the PSD; and
  • Strengthening the voice of commissioned ministers.

The convention theme was “Abundantly More Than All We Ask or Think,” based on Ephesians 3:20–21.

Posted July 7, 2022