Chapel Talks: Connecting students to Christ

The 2023–2024 edition of Chapel Talks for Lutheran Schools is available from LCMS School Ministry as a free, downloadable PDF or a for-purchase paperback. Chapel Talks is an annual resource designed to assist Lutheran schools with weekly chapel.

This year’s theme, “Connections,” is taken from John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

 The theme emphasizes that in all things, Lutheran schools connect to Christ. It will also be used as the theme for National Lutheran Schools Week, Jan. 21–27, 2024.

Chapel Talks was written by the Rev. Bob Riggert, a former Lutheran teacher, principal, parish pastor and district education executive. He has written the last nine editions of the resource.

Riggert writes in the introduction: “Lutheran schools connect with families, emphasizing that Lutheran education is always a partnership with the home. Lutheran schools connect with the local Lutheran congregation, emphasizing that the Lutheran school is an integral part of the mission and ministry of the congregation. Lutheran schools connect children to Lutheran worship and the Divine Service through chapel, where children will hear the Gospel in the liturgy of the church.”

The resource includes devotions for every week of the school year. The devotions include:

  • A weekly Scripture reading and suggested hymns for the chapel service;
  • “Connecting to the Theme,” an opening illustration or activity that introduces the week’s theme;
  • “Connecting to Christ,” the main message that explores that week’s Scripture lesson and reminds students that they are connected to Christ in their Baptism and through His Word;
  • “Connecting in Prayer,” which offers a petition based on the theme;
  • “Connecting to the Catechism,” which suggests a part of the Small Catechism to study that week; and
  • “Connecting through the Week,” which suggests activities and experiences to carry the devotion through the rest of the week.

Download Chapel Talks or get more information at the LCMS School Ministry webpage.

Posted July 5, 2023/Updated July 6, 2023