Congregational Anniversaries (October 2023)


The Lutheran Witness welcomes notices 50 words or less from LCMS congre­gations about their upcoming “milestone” anniversaries. Send notices at least three months in advance to — Ed.

EMMAUS LUTHERAN CHURCH, St. Paul, Minn., is celebrating its 75th anniversary with celebratory worship service October 29, at 9:30 a.m., and a meal to follow in the Social Hall. Please RSVP by calling 651-489-9426 or emailing

ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Decatur, Ala., is celebrating its 125th anniversary October 8. Rev. Eric Johnson, Southern District President, will be guest speaker at the 10:45 a.m. service. Lunch and a celebration of homecoming will follow in the gymnasium. For additional information, contact the church office at or call 256-353-8759.

ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Humboldt, Kan., is celebrating its 160th anniversary October 22.

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Vesper, Wis., is celebrating its 125th anniversary October 29.

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH, Hillsboro, Kan., is celebrating its 140th anniversary October 15. Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, President of Concordia University St. Paul, will be guest speaker at the 10:30 a.m. service. A catered meal will follow the service.

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH, El Paso, Texas, is celebrating its 125th anniversary. A catered dinner will be held October 28, followed by celebratory worship service October 29. Current pastor, Rev. Stephen Heimer will be joined by former pastors: Rev. Steve Hughey, Rev. Jeffrey Shearier and Rev. Howard Patten leading worship together.