LCMS BOD seeks meeting with CTX BOR

Statements & Letters

As directed by Resolution 7-03, LCMS Board of Directors seeks meeting with CTX Board of Regents

August 10, 2023

On Tuesday, Aug. 1, at the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Milwaukee, delegates adopted Resolution 7-03, which affirmed the LCMS Commission on Constitutional Matters opinion that actions taken by Concordia University Texas (CTX), Austin, Texas, to change its governing documents are in direct conflict with the Synod’s Constitution and Bylaws and are thus null and void. 

Resolution 7-03 also called upon the CTX president, those CTX administrators who advocated for and supported CTX’s purported separation, and the CTX Board of Regents (BOR) to submit to the governance of the Synod, repent, and seek reconciliation and restoration by rescinding their actions. The resolution, which further asked the LCMS Board of Directors (BOD) and others to take action to address the situation, was adopted with 716 votes in favor out of 999 cast (71.67%).

In keeping with the spirit of Resolution 7-03, on Tuesday, Aug. 8, the LCMS BOD reached out to the CTX BOR to request a board-to-board meeting later this month. Members of the current Concordia University System Board of Directors will also be invited to attend the meeting.

The LCMS BOD will share further details when they are available.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, with nearly 2 million baptized members in some 6,000 congregations coast to coast, is a mission-oriented, Bible-based, confessional Christian denomination headquartered in St. Louis. Through acts of witness and mercy, the church carries out its mission worldwide to make known the love of Jesus Christ.