The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry has announced a 20-week, hybrid Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) opportunity beginning in July. This CPE unit for rostered LCMS church workers is offered in collaboration with the Rev. Jeffrey Scheer, an LCMS pastor and clinical pastoral educator, and the Sacred Heart CPE Center in Spokane, Wash. The unit runs from July 8 to Nov. 18, with an application deadline of April 15.
Church workers who enroll in the unit will commit to a six-hour weekly block of time for online education, usually one evening per week from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will also be a need for 16 hours of clinical work with a mentor each week, either in an institutional or congregational setting. At the end of the unit, participants will receive one CPE credit through the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education.
The Rev. Brian Heller, manager of Specialized Spiritual Care, said, “This is an excellent opportunity for LCMS church workers to sharpen their spiritual care skills and learn from their educator and peers while also fostering relationships that will support them in their work for years to come.”
The cost of the unit is $1,500. Limited scholarship funds are available. For more information, send an email to specializedcare@lcms.org.
Posted Feb. 8, 2024