June/July ‘Witness’: The Book of Acts

Throughout this year, The Lutheran Witness has focused on themes related to community. For the June-July issue, LW discusses the first Christian community by offering a series of articles on the Acts of the Apostles.

The Book of Acts, the second book written by St. Luke the Evangelist, tells the story of all the Lord Jesus Christ continued to proclaim and do through His apostles after His resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven (Acts 1:1–3).

In this issue of LW, you will find an overview of the first Christian community and how its members interacted together as the Body of Christ. Other articles include a discussion of why they regularly gathered to receive Christ’s gifts, how they dealt with conflict in the church, how they responded to the encroachments of civil authorities, and Paul’s pastoral heart as shown in his planting and care of the churches he planted. Other articles show how the apostles interpreted the Old Testament in their preaching throughout Acts and provide an in-depth discussion of Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill.

All in all, this issue presents the first community of Christians in a way that will resonate with contemporary Christians. The first Christian community lived in a world that was hostile to the Christian faith. Despite the intervening millennia and the dramatic changes in technology and daily life that have occurred since the time of Acts, the Christian church still has much to learn from this first community of Christians.

“The Roman empire could not silence this Word or His witnesses,” concludes the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Oschwald in his article. “Jerusalem could not. Prison doors, chains, persecution could not. The cross could not. Nor death, nor the grave. The Word continues to be spoken and the church will continue to speak it ‘with all boldness and without hindrance’ (Acts 28:31). It stands written.”

Pick up your copy of the June-July 2024 issue of The Lutheran Witness from Concordia Publishing House. Learn more, and read additional online-only content, at witness.lcms.org

Posted June 12, 2024