Statement from LCMS Board of Directors on CTX selection of president

Statements & Letters

Statement from the LCMS Board of Directors 

September 18, 2024

On Sept. 10, 2024, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), sent a letter (reprinted below) to Dr. Donald Christian, president of Concordia University Texas (CTX), Austin, Texas, expressing concern about CTX’s announced plan to search for a new university president to replace Dr. Christian upon his retirement. On Sept. 16, 2024, CTX announced the end of its search and the selection of a new president. The LCMS Board of Directors has released the following statement.

On Sept. 16, 2024, the Board of Regents (BOR) of Concordia University Texas (CTX), Austin, Texas, announced the selection of a president to replace current CTX President Dr. Donald Christian. The CTX BOR made this appointment amid ongoing litigation with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), a Missouri nonprofit corporation (“LCMS”), over CTX’s change of its governance documents. The actions of CTX are in violation of the Constitution and Bylaws of the LCMS and a further demonstration of CTX’s continued intransigence and disdain for the Synod, her congregations, and the doctrine and practice of Christ’s church.

The word “synod” means walking together with one another in the bonds of mutual love and fellowship. There is danger when an individual or institution, at the direction of its leaders, leaves its first love and seeks after its own interests. Such action breaks the bonds of unity and fellowship, causes offense to the church, and leads to actions taken apart from the fellowship and leadership of the church. The LCMS Board of Directors (BOD) regrets that CTX continues to take actions that demonstrate an ongoing desire to reject the fellowship of the Synod and CTX’s first love, the church that gave birth to her. The LCMS BOD will continue to carry out the mandate of the Synod in convention to bring this matter to conclusion as God wills. 

The Board of Directors of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Letter from LCMS President Harrison to CTX President Christian

Tuesday of Pentecost XVI, A.O. 2024
September 10, 2024

President Don Christian
Concordia University Texas
11400 Concordia University Drive
Austin, TX 78726

Dear President Christian,

I am writing to you with a heaviness in my heart due to the ongoing dispute between Concordia University Texas (CTX) and the Synod. It has been a year since the complaint was filed and the sides have yet to come to a resolution.

In the meantime, we have learned that CTX has initiated a search for a new president under a board that includes members who have not been elected according to Synod requirements and excludes members who have been properly placed by the Synod in convention. Furthermore, the current board is acting pursuant to a charter amendment, bylaw amendments, and policy manual amendments that are invalid. In addition, the procedures under Bylaw have not been followed.

It is my duty as president of the Synod to see that the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions are adhered to and that the Constitution, Bylaws and resolutions of the Synod are carried out. Accordingly, this letter is to officially inform you that any action taken by the CTX Board of Regents to elect a new president of the university will not be recognized by the Synod. Moreover, we respectfully request that CTX cease and desist from conducting a presidential search and/or hiring a new president until this matter is resolved. If CTX proceeds with a presidential search and names and hires a new president, the Synod will not recognize that new president and reserves the right to terminate that president once this lawsuit is resolved in the Synod’s favor.

If CTX proceeds in its presidential search, please ensure any potential candidate is aware of the Synod’s position in this matter.

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

View/download letter 

Posted Sept. 18, 2024