Summer ‘Engage’: Mercy for neighbor

“It’s so amazing to see how God just made everything fall into place.” David Anderson said these words about Light of the World Lutheran Church, a church plant in DeSoto, Kan. But they could also be used to describe the other projects highlighted in the Summer 2024 issue of Lutherans Engage the World.

The issue includes articles about three LCMS pastors who serve as chaplains — at a fire department, a police department and a medical center — as well as the dedication of a new center for Lutheran worship and outreach in Brașov, Romania. A group of Bulgarian Lutherans attended the center’s Feb. 18 dedication service to celebrate the ordination of one of their own, a man who studied for the pastoral ministry through the Luther Academy in Riga, Latvia, and now takes the reins of a small congregation in Sofia, Bulgaria.

In addition, the summer issue introduces the “By the Mercies of God” accountability campaign. The campaign details a few of the many ways that generous donations to LCMS World Relief and Human Care have been used to provide tangible acts of mercy for people all around the world.

The Summer 2024 issue started arriving in mailboxes in late June. Read it online or subscribe to the print magazine at no cost. Both individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations) are available.

Posted June 27, 2024