Three special observances are set for April as part of the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI):
- Lutherans across the United States will come together to “Orange Out Malaria!” the week of April 21-27.
- World Malaria Day
is April 25.
- LMI Sunday is April 28.
Every 60 seconds a child in Africa dies from malaria, a completely preventable and treatable disease.
A partnership of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore, LMI seeks to mobilize U.S. Lutherans in the global effort to eliminate malaria deaths in Africa by 2015, through educating families about malaria, increasing access to treatment and providing prevention tools such as bed nets.
Orange Out Malaria! offers an opportunity for LCMS congregations to raise up awareness both about malaria’s impact and resources needed to help fight the disease. Using LMI’s signature color as its theme, Orange Out Malaria! provides activities and resources to congregations, schools and individuals to make participation “easy and fun.”
Orange Out Malaria! kits include videos, Bible-study resources, sermon starters, children’s messages, a prayer litany and bulletin inserts.
For more information and to download or order these and other resources from LMI, visit Join LMI on Facebook ( and Twitter (@lutheranmalaria) to share Orange Out Malaria! ideas and stories.
Posted March 13, 2013