
Youth ‘live loved,’ ‘live love’ at Gathering

Comments (3)
  1. JoyLynn Volkman says:

    NYG was the best experience ever I’m glad i went and San Antonio NYG was my first NYG that I went to I had so much fun making new friends playing games and helping out the community. NYG 2016 here I come (:

  2. Edith Courter says:

    Hello! Just wanted to let you know that the FAQs on the Gathering webpage specifies San Antonio to be the site for the 2016 Gathering.

    I really enjoyed chaperoning our youth group at this year’s event. I can’t imagine what all it took to plan and execute the Gathering. You all did a great job — we appreciate the attention to detail!

  3. Sabra LeClaire Mugnolo says:

    Our daughters, Emilia and Rebecca attended the Gathering for the first time this year and they both are still talking about the impact it has had on their lives as Christians.

    They have given us day by day, moment by moment details of how amazing and overwhelming it was to get to experience an event just for teens.

    The witnessing by young people willing to speak before 30,000 people and relate very private and painful events in their lives and how Christ brought them to where they are today in their faith lives had such and impact on our girls. In addition the attention paid to keeping all the youth and attendees safe and on track by the volunteers of Synod was
    very impressive! Our own church youth leaders and adults who accompanied the group
    were parental in their care of them.

    There are far too many blessed experiences that our girls and their friends had to convey here. Em and Becca are talking already about the next gathering in New Orleans.

    In closing, we thank you all and bless all who made this possible. In Christ’s love and Peace, Sabra