As Christians around the world face increasing persecution, injury and death on account of Christ, the Church speaks a word of comfort and peace in the face of suffering. The second issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission aims to discuss those very topics while answering questions like “What do mission and persecution have to do with each other?” and “Why did Martin Luther call persecution the seventh ‘mark’ of the Church?”
“Although we can and must expect persecution and opposition to the proclamation of the Gospel and resistance to planting Lutheran churches around the world, we have the promise of Jesus that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church,” the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, noted in the journal’s introduction. “In the midst of trouble and suffering, we can expect a blessing from our gracious Lord.”
Download the issue for free here, and “like” the Journal of Lutheran Mission on Facebook to get updates when future issues and articles are posted.
For help discussing suffering and persecution with children, college students and others, download the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness here.
Posted Sept. 18, 2014