By Roger Drinnon
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis released a joint statement Oct. 6 denouncing Planned Parenthood’s purported harvesting of organs from aborted babies for medical research.

The statement from Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and Archbishop Robert J. Carlson expresses the shared concerns of the LCMS and the Archdiocese of St. Louis following Planned Parenthood’s disturbing practices being revealed by a series of undercover videos made by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life group.
In addition to speaking out against Planned Parenthood’s purported sales of aborted baby body parts and tissues, the joint statement also speaks of both churches’ commitment to provide alternatives to Planned Parenthood.
“Together, we stand firm and repeat that every human life is worthy of dignity and respect,” the statement reads. “We affirm our continued commitment to offer resources to help parents of any faith background who are in need of medical, financial or social-service assistance both during pregnancy and after. We stand ready to assist any parent who wishes to make an adoption plan for their child.”
The statement also extends Christ’s mercy and forgiveness for men and women who suffer after having participated in an abortion:
“Our commitment is to all life in all its stages from conception to natural death. For those men and women who participated in an abortion, we extend to you the words of Jesus: ‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden’ (Matt. 11:28), and we invite you to experience hope and healing from your experience.”
The statement draws attention to the grave implications of the CMP videos. It also keeps the larger issue of abortion in the public conscience, as more than 57 million unborn children have been lost to abortion in the United States since 1973.
“It has been exciting and uplifting to work with our brothers and sisters in the LCMS, as together we witness to the deepest truth of our convictions and our common commitment to life,” said Karen Nolkemper, executive director of the St. Louis Archdiocese Respect Life Apostolate. “I am confident that our working together to create a ‘culture of life’ will inspire more people of faith and goodwill to unite and end abortion.”
“Not only does it please our Father when His family comes forward in defense of life, but it also pleases Him when we, with one voice, work together to make our pronouncement that much louder and that much clearer,” said Stephanie Neugebauer, director of LCMS Life and Health Ministries, part of the Synod’s Office of National Mission. “May God be praised in this declaration, and may His people be emboldened to resonate [this] message without bounds.”
Read StatementFor information on LCMS Life Ministry, go to
Readers also may access:
- “Ultrasound-based resource shows students ‘Life in the Womb’ “(Reporter Online) To order the curriculum, email
- Lutherans For Life
- Word of Hope (for people who seek healing from a past abortion experience) or call 888-217-8679
- “Former Iowa webcam-abortion clinic now pro-life health center” (Reporter Online)
Roger Drinnon ( is manager of Editorial Services for LCMS Communications.
Posted Oct. 6, 2015 / Updated Oct. 7, 2015
Thank you President Harrison and LCMS leaders for standing up for human life. Your support of all life stages is greatly needed! Please continue to speak up for life, and please continue to “do” for life. FYI: there is another peaceful protest against Planned Parenthood funding set for Sat Oct 10th. Click on the link to find a location near you: