Harrison on third Planned Parenthood video: ‘Pray boldly … defend life’

By Roger Drinnon

In a July 29 statement following the release of a third undercover Planned Parenthood video, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison called for “prayer and action” to protect the unborn.

Resident Director Rachel Woolery (center) joins Jenny (left) and Lillian as they make lunch at Redeeming Life Maternity Home Feb. 12 in Sanford, Fla. The Christ-centered home of Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, provides a safe haven for single women with crisis pregnancies. (LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)
Resident Director Rachel Woolery (center) joins Jenny (left) and Lillian as they make lunch at Redeeming Life Maternity Home Feb. 12 in Sanford, Fla. The Christ-centered home of Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, provides a safe haven for single women with crisis pregnancies. (LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

“The Center for Medical Progress released another video exposing Planned Parenthood and the evil and immense pain that occur inside its clinics. The video is graphic. Little arms and legs are ripped from tiny bodies,” Harrison said in the statement.

“They are callously referred to as ‘specimens,’ sold at a price. Jesus warned us about this … He told us the world would try to silence His Word of life, and that His truth would be shunned. Satan will stop at nothing to rage at Christ, even if it means murdering the tiniest of people and selling their bodies for profit.”

Read statement from President Harrison

Harrison cited some Gospel-themed words from renowned 20th century theologian Rev. Hermann Sasse, emphasizing Christ’s assured victory over the murderous ways of the devil.

“Sasse reminds us, ‘Before the power of Jesus the unbridled power of Satan has to stop,’ for Jesus ‘takes the dominion of the world away from Satan,’ ” noted Harrison. “Be comforted. Pray boldly. Speak bravely. Defend life. Act courageously. Let your frustration and disgust be turned to prayer and action on behalf of our littlest neighbors, for Satan cannot win, and God is not silent.”

Amid the ongoing Planned Parenthood controversy and in keeping with its longtime pro-life stance, the LCMS continues to lift up the Synod’s Life Ministry, its Sanctity of Life Committee and partner organizations striving to protect the lives of the unborn.

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life group, released its third investigative video July 28, purportedly featuring testimony from a former “procurement technician” for a fetal-tissue processing company allegedly in a business partnership with Planned Parenthood. The third video is being presented by CMP as the first part of a documentary-style Web series titled “Human Capital.” (Update: A fourth CMP video was released July 30, “Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen.”)

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion chain, killing more than 300,000 unborn children every year, according to National Right to Life Committee President Carol Tobias, who also is a member of the LCMS Sanctity of Life Committee.

“It is [again] heart-wrenching to see the body of the little aborted baby displayed as fees are so coldly discussed,” said Tobias after viewing the third video July 28. “We need to pray that the eyes of all Americans are opened to the tragic killing that happens every day in our country.”

Synod leaders encourage support for LCMS Life Ministry programs advocating for women and children through crisis-pregnancy centers; providing educational materials and opportunities; and working closely with allies such as the national Lutherans For Life and the National Pro-Life Religious Council, among others.

One LCMS effort, the Ultrasound Education Project, brings the miracle and sanctity of human life into middle- and high-school classrooms through the use of ultrasound technology. The free materials may be pre-ordered by emailing Tracy Quaethem, LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) project coordinator for the Synod’s Life Ministry, at tracy.quaethem@lcms.org. Quaethem said the project is another example of the Synod’s longstanding pro-life position.

“The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod holds fast to scriptural teachings on life issues, despite changing societal attitudes, while affirming God’s Word on the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, boldly standing on the premise that no one is worthless whom God has created and for whom Christ died,” said Quaethem. “The LCMS has always defended the sanctity of human life, [long before] the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.”

“We have the most powerful message in the world,” said Lutherans For Life Executive Director Rev. Dr. James Lamb at a July 16 press conference held at the LCMS International Center following the release of the first CMP video. “And I pray that our churches will use this as an opportunity … to make dealing with these issues a part of their ongoing Gospel ministry.”

In a separate interview that same day with KMOX Radio, St. Louis, Lamb, who is also an LCMS Sanctity of Life Committee member, said Lutherans can help by doing more for maternity homes and similar organizations supporting pregnant women and also by reaching out to women who might be suffering emotional pain after having an abortion.

Some LCMS Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs) assist mothers with crisis pregnancies while helping them obtain higher education, job skills and job placement. This includes the Redeeming Life Maternity Home in Florida and A Place of Refuge in Wisconsin.

“These LCMS RSOs are faithful to upholding the sanctity of life, as they show the compassion of Christ to young mothers and their children,” said Deaconess Dorothy Krans, the ONM’s director of RSOs.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry is devoted to upholding the sanctity of human life, both in the church body and the culture at-large. It is actively involved in a variety of domestic and international programs to support and encourage life “in the image of God.” For more information on LCMS Life Ministry, visit lcms.org/life.

Roger Drinnon (roger.drinnon@lcms.org) is manager of Editorial Services for LCMS Communications.


Roger Drinnon (roger.drinnon@lcms.org) is manager of Editorial Services for LCMS Communications.

Posted July 29, 2015 / Updated Aug. 1, 2015