Harrison issues statement on 42nd Roe v. Wade anniversary

ST. LOUIS — On Jan. 22 — the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion — the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, issued the following statement:


“At this very moment, hundreds of thousands of Americans like you and me are gathering at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Many of our own LCMS Lutherans — infants in strollers, college students in hoodies, even their grandparents — will be there, coming from near and far to show unity and support. Together with others from across our country, they will stand for life, for children, for the right of every human being, no matter how small, to grow old.

“Formative moments like these — the potential passing of bills that would end a sizable portion of abortions and the coinciding gathering of life-loving Americans ­— remind us, and those who are watching, what we are for.

“We are for life.

“We are for reminding everyone that our Lord knitted us together in our mother’s womb (Ps. 139:13).

“We are for the distinct value and worth that are ours on account of Christ.

“We are for remembering the 55 million lives that have been purposefully ended since abortion was legalized in 1973.

“And we are for the day when abortion will be reduced to a painful memory and when each of God’s children is respected as a person, no matter his size.

“These moments remind us likewise to pray, to pray routinely and fervently for our elected officials, especially when they have the opportunity to continue chipping steadily away at the deadly act of abortion.

“So while our representatives vote and our brothers and sisters march, please join me in praying for life: that our Lord would put an end to abortion, that those who stand on behalf of the life of others would be emboldened for the derision they may face, that we as LCMS Lutherans would declare a strong confession of life, and that in all we do and say, we may point joyfully and continually to Jesus Christ, who reminds us that, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’ (John 10:10 ESV).”

Matthew C. Harrison, President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Posted Jan. 22, 2015