Mission journal discusses global Christianity’s ‘shift’

“Today, a historic shift is occurring. Christianity is moving away from the Global North (primarily Europe and North America) to the Global South (Africa, Asia and Latin America),” explains the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison in his introduction to the newly released June 2015 Journal of Lutheran Mission.

journal-INThe online publication, an academic journal published by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, appears quarterly and focuses on both domestic and international mission work. This issue in particular “reflects on the way in which the Holy Spirit has moved the Gospel from place to place, working when and where it pleases God (John 3:8; AC V 2),” Harrison says.

Most of the issue features papers presented at the LCMS Mission Summit held Nov. 20–21, 2014, in Garden Grove, Calif., with some focusing on Christianity in America today and others on international Christianity. Authors from the LCMS and international partner churches unpack topics from Christian demographics around the world to church growth in adverse societies.

Readers may download the issue here as well as “like” the Journal of Lutheran Mission on Facebook — where Lutheran Christians around the world can interact with one another and be reminded, Harrison writes, of “the sure and certain promises from our Lord that He works all things for good and that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church (Rom. 8:28; Matt. 16:18).”

Posted June 12, 2015