Reformation meets world in special mission journal

The December special issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission highlights papers and discussions from the International Lutheran Council World Conference, held Sept. 24-27 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

mission-journal-IN“The meeting was significant in part because the world leaders attending the conference represented about 15 million Lutherans worldwide,” explains LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison in the journal’s opening letter. “The papers presented discussed the Gospel, the sacraments, the Church and the Office of the Ministry” while the group simultaneously “decided to take seriously the idea of ‘Bringing the Reformation to the World,’ ” especially in light of the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.

Available for free download, the journal also features an update on the work of the International Lutheran Council from its chairman, the Rev. Dr. Hans-Jörg Voigt, as well as several book reviews on key mission-focused works.

Download the journal here or like The Journal of Lutheran Mission on Facebook.

Posted Dec. 3, 2015