CPH’s ‘Barnyard Roundup’ teaches kids about Jesus’ love


Jesus loves you always and forever, no matter what. That’s the reassuring message of Concordia Publishing House’s 2016 vacation Bible school, “Barnyard Roundup: Jesus Gathers Us Together.”

In a world where children need to know they belong, are understood and are valued, “Barnyard Roundup” delivers the message that Jesus is more than a BFF: He is their Savior, He knows them by name, He rounds them up and He brings them home. He is with us always and forever, no matter what!

During the “farm-tastic” week planned at “Barnyard Roundup,” kids and volunteers explore the concepts and words of Psalm 23, where the imagery of the farm gives kids a 21st century context to understanding our need for a shepherd. Through five Bible accounts, kids can see that Jesus cares, provides, leads, forgives and saves us, now and forever.

“The kids who participate in ‘Barnyard Roundup’ will act out Bible stories, make keepsake crafts, sing fun songs and eat tasty treats, but VBS is more than that,” said CPH VBS Editor Pam Nummela. “What really matters is that the children in your VBS leave knowing their need for a Savior, and that Jesus Christ alone is that Savior. Kids will leave ‘Barnyard Roundup’ knowing that their Savior loves them, always and forever, no matter what.”

CPH’s all-inclusive starter kit ($159.99, item no. 32-1643) includes a registration table banner, publicity posters and access to VBSMate® — a free, customizable website and online registration tool. Lessons for on-the-go volunteers are designed to be easy to prepare and teach without compromising enriching content that points kids to Christ.

Teams start their day at the “Gather ’Round Opening,” where they sing songs, watch skits and begin their day’s journey in prayer. After the opening, kids explore five different sites to discover how Jesus loves and provides for them. They do all this while making friends with the children on their teams.

At “Barn Raising Storytelling,” Bible stories come to life. Swept back in time, kids become part of the Bible story, using props and costumes to actively engage with God’s Word. Student leaflets and Bible story posters help leaders highlight key take-home points. This year’s program includes “Science in the Sheep Pen” activities geared to help kids take away life-application lessons.

An exclusive feature of the new VBS is the “Green Pastures Bible Challenge,” where kids open the Bible to read God’s Word. Psalm 23 is emphasized through activities like solving Bible codes and singing memory verses.

While taking part in “Udderly Cool Crafts,” kids create keepsakes to remind them of how Jesus is at work in their lives. Creative treats are shared in “Bountiful Blessings Snacks,” and “Bales of Fun Games” are meant to reinforce Bible lessons.

This year, CPH has partnered with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s “Tin Roofs for Africa” project — the 2016 VBS mission project — to provide shelter and a place of worship for rural African communities.

To order the “Barnyard Roundup Starter Kit” or for more information, visit vbs.cph.org. Follow CPH’s VBS at facebook.com/CPHVBS and Twitter @CPH_VBS.

If you have questions or comments for CPH’s VBS team, send an email to vbsteam@cph.org.

Posted Feb. 17, 2016