Synod President reflects on High Court ruling invalidating Texas law protecting the health and safety of expectant mothers and their babies.

The United States Supreme Court ruled today that 58 million aborted babies is not enough. Our national sin of abortion now dwarfs the atrocities of the genocide of 6 million Jews by the Nazis, and the extermination of 20 million Christians by the Soviet Union. I can find no other words to describe this disgrace than those of Hermann Sasse directed at the Nazi regime:
The lie is the death of man, his temporal and his eternal death. The lie kills nations. Through their lies, the most powerful empires of the world were laid waste. History knows of no more unsettling spectacle than the judgment which comes to pass when the men of an advanced culture have rejected the truth, and are now swallowed up in a sea of lies. As was the case with fading pagan antiquity, where this happened, religion and law, poetry and philosophy, life in marriage and family, in the state and society, in short, one sphere of life after another, fell sacrifice to the power and curse of the lie. Where man can no longer bear the truth, he cannot live without the lie. Where man, even when dying, lies to himself and others, the terrible dissolution of his culture is held up as a glorious ascent, and decline is viewed as an advance, the like of which has never been experienced. Union and Confession, 1936.
O Lord Jesus, author and source of life, cast us not away because of our sins. Change the minds and hearts of the people of this nation, waning under moral ambiguity. Uphold your Church wherever it stands for life. Give us repentance where Christians have failed to speak and act and vote for life. Help us to continue to care for the least, the last, the needy, the downtrodden, and especially those who have succumbed to the lie. We plead it for your sake. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
AMEN!!! and AMEN!!!
Amen! Thank you President Harrison!
Dear Christians, never cease to pray
For faith and love these latter days,
For marriage, life, and family,
That all be held in sanctity.
Could you be Rev. William Richardt and Mrs. Myra Richardt’s son? Our two oldest boys attended St. Matthew’s School and had Mrs. R. for Pre-School and Kindergarten.
From Pastor Barry Foerster
Pastor Harrison speaks from Holy Scripture. The world doesn’t always want to hear how
precious life is. LIfe is only expendable if one does not believe Christ died and rose so that we might have eternal life. The life we have now is only secondary to the eternal life we are promised. Christ gave His life into death and rose to show how precious He regards it. Yes, He died and rose for everyone in the world. He promises His forgiveness and the hope of eternal life is ours, if we only would be faithful to Him and believe His promises. We rejoice to hear the familiar words, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Amen! And thank you for taking a STAND for the Truth.
Is there hope for revival in America?
“…Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.”
Jude 1:17-19 NIV
Well said. Death of body, soul, and spirit, disguised as advancement and enlightenment. Only Christ can change hearts and minds!
I stand with Rev. Harrison in his condemnation of the horrific killing of infants by abortion. This is a spiritual as well as moral cancer in our society. The problem with Missouri is that she has not always remained faithful to the Lord’s teachings and stood strong during strife with false teachers. I fear they are reaping the results of this history of weakness and timidity in the face of evil.
Well said…I too pray for revival.
Thank God that the Supreme Court ruled this way; upholding the constitution!
They did not uphold the constitution. Their decision on abortion simply made legal something not covered in the scope of the constitution. The court decided long ago that the will of the powerful(mother) is more important then protecting the rights of the weak and defenseless(unborn child). They made a human judgment that an unborn child does not have the rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Besides the constitution is not the supreme authority for life, that honor belongs to God’s Word.