
Warehouse fire destroys 1.5 million copies of GOOD NEWS magazine

Comments (5)
  1. Sharon G Nygaard says:

    Oh my!???⚓️

  2. Patrick Cox says:

    I like the quote from Rev. Wallace Schulz; “Christians do not quit.”

  3. Donna Kleister says:

    I am so sorry to hear this happened. This is a excellent Bible study resource and I enjoyed diving into each issue. Prayers for all and for the continued work to keep the publication going. The Bible teaches us concerning perserverence and endurance. May it be so in this work to the glory of God.

  4. Elizabeth Libby says:

    How devastating and disheartening. That magazine was so incredibly rich in scripture and good teaching. It fed my soul. How good to know, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away.” Lord have mercy!

  5. Victor Rasmussen says:

    No insurance??