By Roy S. Askins
TAMPA, Fla. — Housecleaning lacks the luster evident in other areas of family life, like vacation or family game night. However, without cleaning, a household quickly becomes disordered and chaotic.
The same is true of the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a church body. Floor Committee 9 on Structure and Governance had the unenviable task of presenting resolutions to the delegates of the 67th Regular Convention of the LCMS largely aimed at cleaning house.
Below are a number of resolutions passed by the convention:
- Resolution 9-06 (passed by 84.5 percent) clarified what access is granted to the Synod’s Board of Directors to the information of Synod agencies;
- Resolution 9-08 (passed by 86.4 percent) clarified representation of multi-congregation parishes with regard to circuit forums;
- Resolution 9-11 (passed by 99.0 percent) addressed residency requirements with respect to positions within a district;
- Resolution 9-12 (passed by 96 percent) clarified the meaning of “parish” as it relates to representation at district conventions and in the election of Synod president;
- Resolution 9-16 (passed by 56.6 percent) granted district presidents access to information about which congregations in their respective districts have registered to vote for president of the Synod; and
- Resolution 9-17 (passed by 72.7 percent) asked the Council of Presidents, secretary of the Synod and the Commission on Constitutional Matters to prepare a study for the 2022 convention on the voting privileges of clergy and laity, with a particular focus on commissioned ministers.
Please visit the convention website to learn more about these resolutions.
Posted July 29, 2019
The 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod met July 20–25 in Tampa, Fla., at the Tampa Convention Center under the theme “Joy:fully Lutheran.” For more convention news:
Watch archives
• lcms.org/convention/livestream
• kfuo.org