Missing Venezuelan pastor found murdered

The Rev. Luis Gregorio Coronado was the second-longest tenured pastor in the Lutheran Church of Venezuela. (LCMS/Johanna Heidorn)

The Rev. Luis Gregorio Coronado, a pastor of the Lutheran Church of Venezuela (Iglesia Lutherana de Venezuela, or ILV), was found murdered earlier this week after being reported missing several days before. ILV is a partner church of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).

Coronado, 58, disappeared on Dec. 14 while taking public transportation to visit members of his congregation. His body was found Dec. 16.

Coronado leaves behind a wife and three children, as well as his congregation of over 20 years, Iglesia Luterana Fuenta de Vida (Fountain of Life Lutheran Church) in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. He was the second-longest tenured pastor in the ILV and maintained a school through his congregation. He had previously served as president of the ILV.

“Luis was a gentle, faithful shepherd,” said the Rev. Ted Krey, LCMS regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean. “In fact, he was much like John the Baptist, always pointing others to Jesus and the firm hope of the Savior. I grieve him. I grieve for his dear wife and his son who is following him into the ministry.”

“Luis now enjoys new life in Jesus,” Krey continued. “We grow stronger in our Advent hope of seeing our dear ones gathered around our living Lord Jesus.” 

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.  

Posted Dec. 18, 2019