“You don’t know me, I don’t know you, but Jesus brings us together.”
These words — sung by the people of the Gutnius Lutheran Church, the Synod’s partner church in Papua New Guinea (PNG) — echo throughout the pages of the Spring 2019 issue of Lutherans Engage the World magazine.
In this issue, readers will get a glimpse of this historic Gospel partnership in the highlands of PNG, in classrooms in Missouri and Nebraska, in the streets of “Sin City” and the nation’s capital, and among fellow Lutherans who are experiencing great suffering in Venezuela.
In all these places and many more, God brings His people together to confess Christ and bear mercy for their neighbors in His name.
Read the stories above at engage.lcms.org, or learn how to have the magazine delivered directly to your door at engage.lcms.org/subscribe. Individual and bulk subscriptions (for congregations only) are available at no charge.
Posted April 15, 2019