Free resource summarizes LCMS youth ministry study on millennials and the church

(LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

A new, free resource from Concordia Publishing House provides a summary of the 2016 LCMS study on millennials and the church.

Relationships Count: Engaging and Retaining Millennials is available in either paperback or e-book format. It is the only research project specifically targeted at young adults who were raised LCMS but later left.

The three-phase project, conducted by LCMS Youth Ministry and LCMS Research, used surveys and focus groups to gain a deeper understanding of retention rates of young people in the LCMS.

The information collected and the insights gained will provide invaluable assistance to the Synod as it seeks to care for and equip the current generation of young adults as well as generations to come.

Get your free copy of this resource today:

Posted Feb. 5, 2020