November ‘Witness’: Medicine for the soul

In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus gives His body and blood for His people. For those who receive it in faith, He bestows forgiveness, life and salvation.

However, those who deny His presence in this gift receive it in condemnation: “For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself,” St. Paul warns (1 Cor. 11:29). 

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has always practiced closed Communion in light of this warning from St. Paul. We also carefully practice church fellowship in light of these words. In fact, this practice provides an excellent opportunity to witness about what Lutherans believe. We do not pretend that all Christians believe the same thing; instead, we confess what our Lord teaches in His Word about His gifts. 

The November issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the discussion of the Lord’s Supper, fellowship and closed Communion. When pastors, as stewards of Christ’s mysteries (1 Cor. 4:1), distribute these gifts according to Jesus’ command, they are properly caring for the souls of God’s people. Pick up your copy of The Lutheran Witness and learn about how our Lord gives Himself to you and for you in body and blood, bread and wine. 

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Posted Nov. 13, 2020