Speaking the truth in the face of opposition
Hear from Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a Lutheran member of the Finnish Parliament who is facing prosecution for writing on the Christian view of marriage.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are facing a critical moment for global confessional Lutheranism. Our Lutheran brothers and sisters around the world are looking to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for our commitment and fidelity to the Scriptures, our doctrine and our confessions. Therefore, we join with and support those who stand up for the Gospel and speak the truth of God’s Word in this world, especially those who confess in the face of opposition.
Please watch this courageous and inspiring testimony of Dr. Päivi Räsänen at the Oslo Symposium, where she received the Kåre Kristiansen Prize. Dr. Räsänen is a Lutheran and a member of the Finnish Parliament who wrote a tract on the Christian view of marriage, for which she is facing prosecution by the state.
If you are like me, you will be enriched and encouraged by the confession of this woman who — along with the Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola, bishop of our newest church partner, the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF) — is facing jail time if convicted. Her articulation of the Gospel is priceless. God grant us such fidelity.
Dr. Räsänen makes clear that the forbidding of religious speech on questions of sex and marriage muzzles the preaching of the Law and Gospel for eternal life. “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32 KJV).
God grant us such courage and biblical clarity now.
In Jesus,
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Read statement from the International Lutheran Council:
• English
• Spanish
• Finnish
Read related Reporter story:
• ‘To live is Christ’: Pohjola consecrated as bishop of Finnish Lutheran Church