church fellowship

Resource provides history of Lutheran World Federation

The booklet is available as a free download.

CTCR releases end-of-life update, begins work of new triennium

The new report follows and expands on the CTCR’s previous work on end-of-life issues.

Marks of the church: May ‘LW’

The seven marks of the church help identify faithful Lutheran churches around the world.

CTCR recommends fellowship with Ukraine, issues statement on Large Catechism volume

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Commission on Theology and Church Relations convened in St. Louis Feb. 16–18.

COP discusses Synod joys, concerns

The LCMS Council of Presidents met Nov. 14–16.

Right administration of the sacraments

The true “marks” of the church are evident to all and provide sufficient grounds to identify the presence of true fellowship.

LCMS President Harrison: Finnish Parliament member faithfully confesses amid opposition

Hear from Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a Lutheran member of the Finnish Parliament who is facing prosecution for writing on the Christian view of marriage.

Harrison calls Japan Lutheran Church to repentance

At its 2021 convention, the Japan Lutheran Church (JLC) made two decisions that have destroyed the scriptural basis for the longstanding relationship of altar and pulpit fellowship between the LCMS and the JLC.

Finnish Lutherans declare fellowship with LCMS

The decision came during the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland’s annual meeting, held on Nov. 14, 2020.

March ‘Witness’: Christian fellowship in a hostile culture

The March issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the theme “Life Together, Set Apart.”

Leaders term new fellowship with Uruguay church ‘a gift’

The Synod’s burgeoning partnership with the Lutheran Church of Uruguay includes the prospect of the first-ever Lutheran university in Spanish-speaking Latin America.

Synod fellowship with Norway church moving forward

The Synod’s growing fellowship with the Lutheran Church in Norway moves forward with the signing of a protocol document.

WELS resolves to continue discussions with LCMS

Meeting in convention, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod votes to encourage the church body’s leadership “to continue discussions with the LCMS to strive for true unity based on full agreement in doctrine and practice.”