From the mission field: Student to chaplain

Daniel Lotudo (right) is recognized by John Kissinger Nyang’au, Project 24 director, during a forum in February at the Project 24 Kabichbich site in Kenya. Lotudo, a former Project 24 student, was recently appointed the Kabichbich site’s chaplain. (LCMS/Shara Osiro)

Project 24 is a collaborative effort of the LCMS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya to provide children in Kenya with the support they need to thrive. Through its sponsorship program Christ’s Care for Children: Kenya (CCCK), it connects donors with children who reside in one of the eight Project 24 boarding facilities in Kenya. 

The program provides children with much more than just food and shelter. It also teaches them valuable life skills such as cooking, cleaning, caring for livestock and farming. Most important, the children in the program learn about Jesus Christ. 

Growing up in Kenya, Daniel Lotudo had little hope for the future. He was the third of eight children from a humble family background. In 2011, however, Lotudo joined the Project 24 program, and it changed the course of his life. “The program changed my perspective … and the spiritual nourishment I received … mentored me to be an evangelist. As a result, I constantly want to tell people about Christ and share my faith with them,” Lotudo said.

Lotudo finished his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in 2019. He then enrolled in the Pre-College Lutheran Academy (PLA) at Matongo Lutheran Theological College in western Kenya. The program was created to strengthen students’ faith before college and encourage some to consider church vocations such as pastor, deaconess or evangelist.

For Lotudo, the PLA, combined with his faith in Christ, inspired him to become an evangelist. He faced numerous challenges during his training, navigating rugged terrain and bearing the high transportation costs during home visits and community outreach. 

Nevertheless, he refused to be discouraged. This February, Lotudo graduated from Kapenguria Bible College and was appointed chaplain at the Project 24 Kabichbich site. In addition, he is contemplating pursuing the Special Ordination Class at Kapenguria Bible College. He is passionate about continuing to spread the Gospel and credits the CCCK program for sowing a seed in him that will bear fruit for years to come.

Posted Oct. 17, 2023