Church worker appreciation continues

The Rev. Michael Shannon greets congregation members before worship at Faith Lutheran Church, Shreveport, La., in June. (LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

October is when the church has traditionally shown appreciation for those who serve the Body of Christ through their faithfulness, dedication and skill. The church’s cherished church workers bless those they serve in countless ways as they preach, teach and care for God’s people in body and soul.

This year, in thanksgiving for these gifts of God, the LCMS has planned not just one month but a full year of opportunities to show appreciation to its workers. Throughout the year, the Synod will highlight the many different workers, both ordained and commissioned, who serve its congregations and schools, giving thanks for each of them and the indispensable and sacrificial work they do. 

The celebration began this month with two dates set aside for honoring some of these faithful servants. First, on Oct. 13, many LCMS churches honored their pastors, who stand in the stead of Christ as they bring His gifts of Word and Sacrament. Later this month, on Oct. 25, the focus will turn to four commissioned church work offices: deaconess, director of family life ministry, director of Christian outreach and director of church ministries. Each of these auxiliary offices supports the pastor in his work of shepherding God’s flock.

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison highlighted the importance of showing appreciation to the workers of the church. “I love serving as a parish pastor. The limited duties I’ve been honored to carry out (preaching, catechesis, pastoral care) over the years as called associate pastor at Village Lutheran Church, Ladue, Mo., while also called as Synod president, have been an absolute joy. And to be loved and received by the folks in my parish has been a source of constant encouragement. 

“As a recipient of that love, I would like to express, as LCMS president, the Synod’s profound thankfulness for our pastors, teachers, deaconesses, musicians, DCEs and all called workers. I hear daily about your astounding commitment. Few or none of us hear about the tens of thousands of acts of courage, kindness and love you perform in service to Christ and His people every day. How joyful it is for me when I hear, ‘Pastor, my pastor’s name is [name]. He sends his greetings. We love him.’ And I hear it all the time. 

“Thanks be to God for His gifts. For ‘He ascended on high … and He gave … the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ’” (Eph. 4:8–11).

Read more about the Synod’s yearlong celebration of church workers.

Posted Oct. 15, 2024