Church Workers

‘Set Apart to Serve’ is here to stay

In November 2024, the SAS leadership team developed one- and five-year strategic plans for SAS.

Serving in all seasons

Two seasoned LCMS Lutherans are demonstrating that the Lord’s call to serve one’s neighbor never ends.

Debt relief for the church’s workers

MinistryFOCUS offers grants to pastors, teachers, directors of Christian education and other rostered LCMS church workers.

Building a culture of church work recruitment

Pray that God would move us all to take up this charge with urgency and passion until the Lord returns.

Church worker appreciation continues

In October, the LCMS honors pastors, deaconesses, directors of family life ministry, directors of Christian outreach, and directors of church ministries.

A year of church worker appreciation

October kicks off a series of observances showing appreciation to those who serve the church.

Until the Lord comes: Everyone a church work recruiter

As the SAS team plans for the coming year, it has developed three major areas of emphasis.

District presidents hold first meeting of triennium

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Council of Presidents met in St. Louis Sept. 16–19.

Church Worker Appreciation Month: Thanking those set apart to serve

October is Church Worker Appreciation Month.

Synod convention calls for new Lutheran academic standards

Delegates also adopted resolutions that commend Lutheran schools, address church worker student debt, encourage family devotions and recommend youth ministry resources.

Learn about church work programs at LCMS universities

Set Apart to Serve has prepared webpages with information about how the church is meeting the need for church workers through its educational institutions. 

‘Too joyous not to share’: News from ‘Set Apart to Serve’

The Rev. Dr. James Baneck, executive director of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education, provides an update on the church work recruitment initiative.

‘Set Apart to Serve’ launches pilot program

In the coming months, each participating site will use SAS resources to discuss full-time church work with their youth and develop long-term plans for nurturing potential church workers in their locations.

‘The harvest is plentiful’: Set Apart to Serve gains Synodwide support

Many across the LCMS are collaborating on the initiative to form and recruit new church workers.

Pilot program to test SAS resources

Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod effort launched in 2019 to raise up future church workers.

‘A way to serve’: Organist honored for 70 years at same congregation

Eileen Jones began serving at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Britton, Mich., when she was 16 years old.