Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) will connect with hundreds of other Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) young adults while serving thousands of youth and adults next summer at the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering. Applications to serve as a YAV are due Dec. 31.
Volunteers are a highly valued and deeply needed element of the Gathering experience. Identified by their bright orange shirts, Young Adult Volunteers are adults ages 19–25 who serve as role models and servant leaders throughout all corners of the Gathering.
DCE Brandon Heath, who serves as manager of the YAVs, said the team is “looking for individuals who are fun, friendly and flexible. … We have roles for everyone willing to serve.”
YAVs are on the ground everywhere during the week of the Gathering to answer questions, help participants navigate events and activities, and ensure everyone is able to make the most of the experience. They also have time to connect with other young adults and spend time in God’s Word in small groups. Over 600 LCMS young adults have committed to serve already.
Most important, “YAVs are the hands and feet of the Gathering,” said Heath. “[YAVs] bring joy and energy to every situation.”
Young Adult Volunteers serve wherever official Gathering events are happening — at the convention center, working the Interactive Center, directing participants to sessions and helping at stadium events.
YAVs come to the Gathering for training a few days before it begins and then serve for the duration of the event. Once their application is accepted, YAVs pay a volunteer registration fee of $400, which goes toward training, hotels and some meals.
An event as big as the Gathering would not be possible without the help of volunteers who give their time and talents to serve youth and adults in attendance. This formative week gives all participants, including volunteers, the opportunity to deepen their faith in Jesus, connect with other Lutherans and learn more about connecting with LCMS groups and organizations.
“God truly works through these volunteers. … The friendships built among YAVs can last a lifetime, even after six days together, because they’re rooted in shared faith and purpose,” said Heath.
To apply, visit lcmsgathering.com/volunteer.
Posted Nov. 27, 2024