Available & Wanted

LCMS Notices listed here are from the Synod’s two official periodicals: “The Lutheran Witness” and “Reporter.”

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Items wanted, available (Nov. 2021)

A variety of items are wanted and available this month.

Items wanted, available (Oct. 2021)

Wanted this month is a leather briefcase. Available are paraments and hymnals.

Items wanted, available (Sept. 2021)

Available this month are 60 copies of Lutheran Service Book.

Items wanted, available (Aug. 2021)

Available this month are books, hymnals and more.

Items wanted, available (July 2021)

Available this month are Risograph supplies, ink and masters for printing machine.

Items wanted, available (June 2021)

Available this month are chairs, robes and hymnals.

Items wanted, available (May 2021)

Available this month are lectern and pulpit falls.

Items wanted, available (April 2021)

Wanted this month is communionware. Available are hymnals and an organ.

Items wanted, available (March 2021)

Available this month are chandeliers and hymnals.

Items wanted, available (Feb. 2021)

Wanted this month is sheet music. Available are choir robes.

Items wanted, available (Jan. 2021)

Wanted this month is an accompaniment edition for Hymnal Supplement ’98.

Items wanted, available (Dec. 2020)

Available this month are linens, paraments, communionware, hymnals and church software.

Items wanted, available (Nov. 2020)

Wanted this month are appointments for Divine Service. Available are handbell pad covers, music, hymnals and a pulpit.

Items wanted, available (Oct. 2020)

Available this month are hymnals and choir robes.

Items wanted, available (Sept. 2020)

Items available this month include hymnals and communionware.

Items wanted, available (Aug. 2020)

Wanted this month are paraments. Available are an organ, chancel furniture and projectors.