Rocky Mountain
June 18-20
Rev. Randall Golter, Highlands Ranch, Colo., president, third term, by acclamation.
Rev. Allen Anderson, Boulder, Colo., first vice president, representing the Eastern Region.
Rev. Douglas Escue, Santa Fe, N.M., second vice president (Southern Region).
Rev. Roger Schlechte, Northglenn, Colo., third vice president (Central Region).
Rev. Gary Trickey, Ogden, Utah, fourth vice president (Western Region).
The president and other officers were installed during the convention — the district’s 48th.
Under the theme of “Lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest” (John 4:35), the convention gathered an offering of $77,643 for the district’s “Mission: Southern Africa” project. That brings to $456,432 the amount gathered so far toward a goal of $500,000 set by the 2006 district convention. LCMS World Relief and Human Care has committed to matching the Rocky Mountain collection – for a potential total of $1 million that would be used to enlarge and improve the seminary of the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa and for helping with a human-care AIDS project in southern Africa.
Among resolutions they adopted, Rocky Mountain delegates this year voted to:
continue the Mission: Southern Africa project until the district’s $500,000 goal is reached.
memorialize the 2010 Synod convention to take no action on the final report, recommendations, and proposals of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance (BRTFSSG). This resolution also calls on the 2010 convention to cancel consideration of any final report, recommendations, and proposals of the task force, as well as proposed substantive changes it is asked to consider to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Synod.
call for study, discussion, and evaluation throughout the district of BRTFSSG proposals, with feedback to the district’s president and its delegates to the 2010 Synod convention as soon as possible. The resolution also calls for a special conference of the BRTFSSG — held no later than 120 days before the 2010 convention begins — to review and analyze any task force recommendations, with the task force’s final report and proposals to be provided to Synod convention delegates at least 60 days prior to the convention. The action also resolves that if this time line is not achieved, the board of directors and president of the Rocky Mountain District will formally encourage the 2010 Synod convention to table the task force recommendations until the next Synod convention.
Posted June 24, 2009
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