Concordia Publishing House is offering a variety of resources that are designed to help congregations learn more about the Reformation and celebrate the special observance on Oct. 31.
Among Reformation resources are the following new books, released this year:
- Luther: Echoes of the Hammer, a graphic novel for children ages 8 to 13, tells the life story of reformer Martin Luther — a story of adventure, courage
and faith. The paperback (item no. 56-2478) by Susan K. Leigh, regularly priced at $12.99, is available for $10.99 through October. (Use the promo code YEH if ordering online.)
- In Lutheran Education: From Wittenberg to the Future ($39.99, item no. 53-1189), author Thomas Korcok describes how the Wittenberg theologians settled on a liberal-arts education as the preferred model for evangelical Christian elementary schools; traces how that model was adapted as Lutherans moved from Europe to North America; and concludes that the model fits our contemporary setting as changes in society today make it ever more important to have an elementary education that’s compatible with evangelical theology.
- In The Real Luther: A Friar at Erfurt and Wittenberg ($39.99, item no. 53-1180), Roman Catholic scholar Dr. Franz Posset explores Luther’s development from 1501 to 1517 — before his views were disputed. The book includes Illustrations from Luther’s career, a complete translation of Philip Melanchthon’s memoirs of Luther’s life, a fresh chronology of Luther’s life from 1501 to 1517, and references to literature for Luther studies.
- New volumes of Luther’s Works — Volume 58 (Selected Sermons V) (item no. 15-5158) and Volume 69 (John 17-20) (item no. 15-5169). Each is priced at $49.99.
Also available are Reformation Day bulletins: standard ($8.25 for 100, item no. 84-0683) and premium ($9.25 for 100, item no. 84-0684).
Other items include Martin Luther: Hymns, Ballads, Chants, Truth ($44.95, item no. 99-1726, a four-CD set of music composed or authored by Luther; Through Faith Alone ($15.99, item no. 12-4055), devotionals taken from Luther’s writings; What Luther Says ($41.99, item no. 15-5098), with more than 5,100 quotations on 200 subjects from Luther’s writings; Martin Luther’s 95 Theses (item no. 53-1134), regularly priced at $18.99 but available for $8.99; and Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World (item no. 56-2274), a children’s book by LCMS Third Vice-President Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, regularly $10.99 but on sale for $3. Sale prices are good through October.
CPH’s Halloween items for congregations and parents include:
- “It’s in the Bag,” a pack of 50 treat bags that tell children about Jesus and invite them to Sunday school ($4.99, item no. 10-1297).
- “Hello! It’s Halloween!” (item no. 10-1329); “Smile, God Loves You” (item no. 10-1328) and “Thanks!” (item no. 10-1327). Each set, priced at $4.99, includes 50 religious tracts designed for distribution on Halloween.
- joke books — Jammin’ Jokes for Kids ($4.99, item no. 17-7296), by Bob Phillips and Steve Russo; Slam Dunk Jokes for Kids ($4.99, item no. 177297), by Bob Phillips; Awesome Good Clean Jokes for Kids ($4.99, item no. 17-7125), by Bob Phillips; Squeaky Clean Jokes for Kids ($4.99, item no. 17-7147), by Bob Phillips and Steve Russo.
For more information or to order, call CPH at (800) 325-3040 or visit or (Prices quoted do not include shipping charge.)
Posted Oct. 6, 2011/Updated Oct. 10, 2011