
Adidas donates new equipment to Selma football team

Comments (5)
  1. Kenneth Hadler says:

    A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO ADIDAS for providing this equipment in this time of need. THANK YOU, ADIDAS!

  2. Deborah Dent says:

    This is AWESOME… I am proud of Adidas.. I may a pair of shoes..

  3. Deborah Dent says:

    I may buy a pair of shoes

  4. Sheryl Zinda says:

    We were in Green Bay, WI over the weekend visitning our daughter and their news reported the Green Bay Packers also made a donation to the Concordia, Selma football team – 100 pairs of practice pants. Concordia’s colors are the same as the packers!

  5. harriet boyd says:

    Proud to be a packer fan.