CPH offers free trial of online giving resource

Congregations that use offering envelopes from Concordia Publishing House now have a new online option to offer their members: “eGiving.”


cph-egiving-INAnd from now through Dec. 31, CPH is waiving its setup fee and providing the first two months of the eGiving tithing resource free of charge.


eGiving offers congregation members a secure and automatic way to regularly give to their church — without using checks, cash or envelopes.


“Using actual envelopes to tithe is a really special way to truly feel like you are physically giving a gift,” said Autumn Green, marketing manager for Worship Resources with CPH. “That said, there are times when a family cannot make it to church or a member may want to ensure they never forget to give. eGiving helps cover those circumstances.”


eGiving offers benefits to both large and small congregations — not only is the online option convenient, but it also provides congregations with better planning, more consistent donations and less processing time.


Plus, all donations are handled securely online through a PCI Level 1 Compliant company, Vanco Services, assuring church members that their money is handled “with the highest level of security available,” according to CPH.


To learn more about CPH’s new eGiving option and how it could benefit your church, visit cph.org/eGiving or call 800-325-3040 (press 98103).